Twang is an exciting new way of approaching authentic accent work, connecting you directly with other professional actors.

Who are the gang behind twang?
We are a bunch of actors working and living in London who became fed up with not having accessible, authentic accents available during our audition prep.
We’ve been there, got the t-shirt. Done call outs to friends of friends, watched all the YouTube videos possible (they never say the words you want to hear) and hoped for the best. However much you do, there’s nothing worse than watching your accent slip on your audition tape.
So, on one of our many walks around Brockwell Park we thought “Why can’t we just find an actor from that city to talk over the accent with us? Help us inject a little of their slang, energy and physicality into it…you know make it really f*king convincing!
Fast forward a couple of tree hugs later, and starting with a small group of friends on WhatsApp (from all different backgrounds and walks of life), we realised we had the beginnings of our platform. nicetwang.com was born.
We quickly realised the advantages of helping each other out, and thought why not open it to a wider audience. It was incredibly important for us to take something online we would use ourselves so it needed to be affordable, accessible and structured around the actor’s needs.
How much does a twang cost?
Our sessions can be booked in slots of 30mins (£15), 45mins (£22.50) or 60mins (£30) at a time to suit you via an availability calendar & time selector.
Which accents can I learn?
Our accents are constantly changing, check our Find a Tutor page for the latest twangs.
- Yorkshire
- Scouse
- Brummie
- Cockney
- Lancashire
Who is twang for?
We’re predominately a platform for professional actors. However, we also welcome directors, writers and students. We just ask you to have an understanding of voice and script work. You get to book a one-to-one session with the professional native actor where you’ll be connected via video call, on the time and date you schedule. Pick from a quick 30-minute session or up to an hour, and dust off and fine tune the accent with their guidance.
This sounds great, can I get involved as a native speaking actor?
You sure can! Your accent is unique and needed by other actors to learn, prep & practise from. Jump on board with us, sign up as a tutor and you too can earn some extra cash in-between jobs, simply by helping other actors perfect your accent. You set your own calendar and schedule sessions when they work best for you – earn on your terms.
Connect, earn and learn.
We’re completely free to join but we can only accept professional Actors at this time.